In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life”
Ayurveda is more than 5,000 years old alternative medicine system with historical roots of India.
Some of the concepts of the "Mother of All Healing" have existed since the times of Indus Valey Civilization.
The first recorded medical texts evolved from the Vedas.
The origins of Ayurveda are also found in Atharvaveda, which contains 114 hymns and incantations described as magical cures for disease.
Ayurveda was received from Brahma by Dhanvantari - the Hindu god of medicine and an avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Ayurvedic treatment starts with an internal purification process, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation.
The treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life.
Observation (Darshan):
Dr Kamalroop Singh will first evaluates general physical health by observing your movements, body contour, color of the skin and eyes, facial lines and ridges, shape of the nose, and qualities of the lips, hair, and nails.
Touch (Sparsha):
Then he will employ a touch, including:
palpation - pressing down on parts of the body (sparshanam)
auscultation - listening for sounds made by the internal organs (shrvanaa)
percussion or tapping - (akotana).
There is special focus on the patient's pulse, tongue, nails, and speech.
Questions (Prashna):
Dr Kamalroop will ask you about complaints and symptoms, as well as the duration of discomfort and disease progression. He will also inquires your mental and psychological conditions.
Air • Ether • Fire • Earth • Water
These five great elements combine into three basic energies, which are present, in varying degrees, in everything and everybody.
Air + Ether
Fire + Water
Earth + Water
In our bodies, these three doshas govern our psychobiological functioning.
Vata - Pitta - Kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ.
When in balance, they create health.
When out of balance, they are the cause of disease.
These three doshas are responsible for the huge variety of individual differences and preferences and they influence all we are and all we do, from our choices of food to our modes of relating to others.
They govern the biological and psychological process of our body, mind, and consciousness, as well as our emotions.
Air + Ether
Vata is considered as the subtle energy that governs biological movement. This energy of movement is intimately related to our vital life essence, known as prana.
Prana is the life force, the play of intelligence which is necessary for communication between two cells, and it maintains the life function of both.
On a cosmic level, prana is said to be the attraction between Purusha (the male energy) and Prakruti (the female energy).
Vata regulates both mental and psychological activities in the body.
It is responsible for breathing, the blinking of our eyes, the beating of the heart and all the movement in the cell membranes.
All the impulses in our nervous system are governed by vata.
Vata is dry, light, cold, subtle, clear, mobile, and depressing.
Fire + Water
Pita is translated as fire, the energy of heating or metabolism.
Pitta governs all the biochemical changes that take place within our bodies, regulating digestion, absorption, assimilation, and body temperature.
Pitta regulates the body temperature through the chemical transformation of food and promotes appetite and vitality.
Pitta when in balance promotes intelligence and understanding and is crucial in learning. Out of balance pitta may arouse emotions such as frustration, anger, hatred, criticism, and jealousy.
Pitta is hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid, pungent, sour, and spreading.
Earth + Water
Kapha is the energy that forms the body's structure.
Kapha also supplies the liquid needed for the life of our cells and bodily system.
It lubricates our joints, moisturises the skin, helps to heal wounds, and maintains immunity. Kapha provides strength, vigor, and stability.
Psychologically, excess kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, lust, and envy. When Kapha is in balance it express itself in tendencies towards love, calmness and forgiveness.
Kapha is heavy, slow, cool, oily, damp, smooth, soft, static, viscous, and sweet.
The whole of life's journey is divided into three major milestones.
the age of kapha - from birth to age 16
the age of pitta - from 16 to 50
the age of vata - from 50 to 100